Our society keeps changing in quite a rapid manner, bringing to bear new ideas, innovations, capacity, development and change. However, these changes also carry alongside negative trends that gradually metastasize if not quickly and adequately addressed.

The challenges and opportunities we face today and in the years ahead require a new way of thinking and that entails additional skills. The need for peace, security and development in our broken world cannot be over emphasized. The pain and burden of memories of on-going, recent and past conflicts haunt and hamper normal life and progress, the financial crises, poverty and illiteracy are consistent cloaks in the wheel of the needed change.

The Peace Building Development Consult (PBDC) was established to advocate for, develop and promote a deeper understanding of peace, security and development in our world. We equip leaders to build peace through a process of personal change, inclusive dialogue, healing bad memories and historical conflict and team building. We also equip leaders with the right tools to promote peace and stability and development within the purview of human security.

By attending our programmes, you will

  • Become equipped to lead in a changing world
  • Learn to anticipate emerging challenges
  • Apply the tools needed to rethink geopolitics
  • Contribute to building a resilient and peaceful world
  • Gain lifetime access to a global network of diverse experts
  • Understand the value of financial and human security

Our training offerings provide solutions to local and global challenges by combining the knowledge of leaders, insights of experts and experience of practitioners.  

We call on all institutions and nations to be humble, repentant and take responsibility for naming crimes. We again call on institutions and individuals to be responsive to the eroding human security needs. Peace, security and development cannot be achieved without one's persistent quest for truth and justice, understanding one's own history, having the opportunity to share one's narrative in a safe, respectful and trustworthy space, listen to the other parties and make the long and difficult journey to reconciliation and forgiveness.

Kayode Bolaji
Founder/ Executive Director

Our Vision

To inspire a vision of community where a commitment to peace, development, reconciliation and justice transcends competing identities and interests.

Our Mission

We equip leaders to build peace and trust in diverse communities through a process of personal change, inclusive dialogue, healing bad memories and historical conflict and team building.